Texas Cremations

Many families seek out special ways to remember loved ones after our services have been rendered. As cremations become more popular in Texas and around the U.S., choosing cremation jewelry can leave you with a staggering array of choices. In our most recent blog entry, we...

Even with all the options available today for memorialization, many people still want to bury the cremated remains of their loved in a cemetery. Sometimes this is because there is a family cemetery where generations have been laid to rest. Other times it’s because a...

How many times have you said, “If only I had known.” I said this last week when my children talked me into riding the Iron Rattler at Fiesta Texas in San Antonio. My regret wasn’t riding the “best roller coaster ever,” it was not asking...

Occasionally, there are family disputes about who should make the final decision regarding arrangements for a loved one. Most commonly we see this when there are multiple adult children, or siblings, with differing opinions about funeral arrangements. The way the funeral laws are written in...

The decision between cremating and burying loved ones remains a very personal one in the United States. Most people don’t even like to discuss their plans for their final resting place until their later years. Even then, it comes down to finances, personal preferences and religious beliefs. Studies show...

aCremation often gets asked if it is possible to view an unbembalmed body.  In most cases – yes – if held soon after the death occurs. It’s important to remember that decomposition begins immediately. The longer the time between death and the viewing, the greater the...

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