05 Dec Have the Talk of a Lifetime
The holiday season is here – a handful of weeks during the year when families are more likely to get together. This year, please consider using part of your precious time with loved ones to have an important conversation about how they want to be remembered.
There’s a new, national public awareness campaign called “Have the Talk of a Lifetime,” driven by the Funeral and Memorial Information Council (FAMIC). It is aimed at motivating families to have conversations about life, what matters to them and what they value most.
Sometimes, using a visual prompt, such as a photo album or souvenir can be a great way to start a conversation. Here are some ideas for questions that might keep the discussion going and help your loved one share their story.
- What do you not want people to forget about you?
- What are some of your favorite songs?
- What was the one piece of advice you received from your parents or grandparents that you never forgot?
- What is your proudest achievement?
- Tell me about your first job. Did you learn something from a boss or a co-worker that has helped you over the years?
When you talk with your loved one, you might want to take notes during or after your conversation, or make an audio recording. Choose whatever method seems most appropriate and comfortable. Everyone has a story to tell and there’s always something more that we can learn about the unique lives our loved ones have led.
Having the talk doesn’t have to be a one-time occurrence. Rather, think of it as the beginning of a dialogue during which you can openly talk about any number of things – from reflecting on the past to planning for the future.
The professionals at aCremation are available to support and encourage you and your family. Please take a moment to view our Memorial Planning Guide which provides information on planning personalized memorials.